deborah kime

i first came to yoga for the physical asana to combat a stressful corporate career, and discovered the calming and grounding benefits that came with it. i have had a dedicated personal practice and a passion for yoga for the last 20+ years and always dreamed of finding the time to take my yoga teacher training. i fulfilled this dream in 2020, which led me to complete a 300 hour ytt and earn my ryt500 designation.  i am trained in a variety of yoga styles including hatha, vinyasa flow, power, yin, restorative, mindfulness meditation and trauma informed yoga.

i am also passionate about working with teens to help them find yoga as a way to balance the physical and emotional complexities of adolescence. i have completed a 95 hour children's and teens trauma informed yoga certification and have achieved my rcyt designation.

my classes are accessible to all levels of yogis and provide a balance between effort and ease. I look forward to moving and breathing together in this welcoming and inclusive yoga community!

Practice with deborah


power flow

yang & yin


dan gagne


jenn buchanan