community chi

acupuncture & restorative

rachel & stacey are excited to bring you this combination of acupuncture & restorative practice!

Let the outside world fade away in this 90-minute, deeply restful acupuncture + restorative practice. Being in the quiet presence of others and sharing healing energy (Community Qi) amplifies the collective therapeutic effect of acupuncture, improves emotional well-being and strengthens community. Combined with restorative yoga, this combination offers deep relaxation, soothes the nervous system and creates a palpable sense of calm and connectedness, both to our own mind/body and to something larger than ourselves.

Participants remain clothed and acupuncture points on the head, arms and legs are used to calm the mind, release tension and improve overall wellness.

your investment: $55

*limited to 10 participants


partner thai yoga massage